Makes Me Want To Holler

I’ve avoided talking about the elephants in the room, the election, and the increase in COVID-19 cases.  But the daily reports of the status of a coronavirus vaccine, the increase in COVID-19 cases, which includes over one million children, and the President’s unwillingness to concede and begin the transition process have given me a reason to scream.

I know many of you are thinking, “You didn’t have a reason before?”

Not really.  Except for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, which made me really sad about the future of reproductive rights.

I pride myself on being a critical thinker.

As such, I accept that the injustices and atrocities here in the  United States of America are rooted in capitalism, which requires capital (land and resources of the Indigenous Americans and of communities blighted from lack of economic development) and labor (free labor from slavery or cheap labor from low-skilled or marginalized workers).

I understand, as Gbenga Ajilore said so brilliantly, “who you center says a lot about who you value” and that our policies still center “White men” (click to hear Gbenga’s Marketplace interview or click to watch Rebecca Dixon’s interview).

I occasionally struggle to do what Dr. Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do.  That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are” (click to watch her conversation with Oprah). But I have followed her advice with this administration.

I want to scream at the current administration: you ran and lost. It is time to move out.  I want to scream the 3-W’s at the general population: wear your mask, wash your hands, watch your distance = 6 feet.  I want to scream at lawmakers: pass a stimulus bill that will help the most economically vulnerable.

But rather than strain my voice, I’ll continue to use research to achieve change.  I am thrilled to report that we have received a grant from the Tara Health Foundation to develop a “Vulnerable Populations Framework.”

Giving Tuesday is December 2, but many organizations and families need your help now.  Please consider buying extra food to donate to your local food pantry this weekend or have a bag of groceries delivered to a family in need.

This holiday season, more than ever, I ask you to support an organization that addresses the needs of the vulnerable – especially those that are food insecure.

Be well,
